Whole Sales Mall
We are importer & exporter dealers on all brand new models of television sets at very cheap price with complete accessories. We are good / great in selling to bulks buyers and also individuals buyers.
We have alots of items available for sale now, if you are interested in purchasing any one of them, kindly send to us an email with your enquiries to the below two company email address below :
For more inquires contact us via Email:
Contact E-mail: globalsalesplaza@gmail.com
Chat with us on hotmail messenger: wholesalesmallz@hotmail.com
Sales Rep: George Caurin
Samsung LED TV.........
UN55C9000 55" 1080p 3D LED HDTV- NEW................$790us Dollars
UN46C9000 46" 1080p 3D LED HDTV- NEW................ $750us Dollars
UN55C8000 55" 1080p 3D LED HDTV- NEW................ $650us Dollars
UN46C8000 46" 1080p 3D LED HDTV- NEW................ $700us Dollars
UN55C7000 55" 1080p 3D LED HDTV- NEW................ $500us Dollars
UA-55C7000 MultiSystem LED 3D TV- NEW..................$550us Dollars
UN46C7000 46" 1080p 3D LED HDTV- NEW................ $550us Dollars
UN40C7000 40" 1080p 3D LED HDTV- NEW................ $400us Dollars
UN55C6800 55" 1080p LED HDTV- NEW...................... $700us Dollars
UN46C6800 46" 1080p LED HDTV- NEW...................... $650us Dollars
UN65C6500 65" 1080p LED HDTV- NEW...................... $650us Dollars
UN55C6500 55" 1080p LED HDTV- NEW...................... $500us Dollars
UN46C6500 46" 1080p LED HDTV- NEW...................... $550us Dollars